Changes to the out of the box Cities themes and template in versions and have pushed the secondary menu underneath the primary content column.
Here is some code you can add to the 'Google Analytics' panel under RiSE > Site builder > Manage websites > Properties tab to fix this and choose which side you want the menu on.
*You may also add this to a custom theme instead.
You will also need to check that your Homepage has the class Wrapper-HomePage in the 'Page container CSS class' field on the Properties tab of the page, and add it if it is not there.
I want the menu on the left
<style type="text/css">
@media (min-width: 992px){
.has-secondary-col.col-on-left .col-primary {
float: right;
margin-left: 2%;
margin-right: 0%;
.Wrapper-HomePage .col-primary{width:100%!important;margin:0;}
.Wrapper-HomePage .col-secondary{display:none;}
I want the menu on the right
<style type="text/css">
@media (min-width: 992px){
.has-secondary-col.col-on-left .col-primary {
float: left;
margin-left: 0%;
margin-right: 2%;
.Wrapper-HomePage .col-primary{width:100%!important;margin:0;}
.Wrapper-HomePage .col-secondary{display:none;}