DATE: March 18, 2020
TO: All Australian and New Zealand iMIS Cloud Enterprise users who charge GST
SUBJECT: Adjusting an invoice with GST
VERSION: iMIS Cloud Enterprise version 20.3.0 and later
(Australia and New Zealand only) The following process must be used while we continue to work on the known defects related to adjusting invoices with GST.
If you need to adjust an invoice that has GST, do the following:
- Go to Finance > Invoices and locate the invoice you need to adjust.
- Reverse the invoice.
- After the invoice is reversed, there is an open credit on the contact's account. Next, work on behalf of the contact.
- Create the new and/or corrected purchase.
- In the Cart, apply the open credit, then do one of the following:
- If the open credit covers the Cart total, click Submit Order.
- If the Cart total is greater than the open credit amount, choose Pay Later for the remaining amount, then click Submit Order. To pay for the remaining Cart total, go to Finance > Invoices and locate the open invoice. Click Pay Invoice and pay the remaining balance with the correct payment method.